Folkartopedia Foundation
Founded in 2021, Folkartopedia Foundation is active in the field of preservation, documentation, and safeguarding of the folk culture of India and is registered in Patna, Bihar as a charity. The aim of the Foundation is to create a space for critical engagement in folk, traditional, and tribal arts, by promoting digital culture among the art and art-loving communities.
The prime objective of the Folkartopedia Foundation is to create Folkartopedia Archive, an open online resource of folk, traditional and tribal arts and the first public art archive in digital format, in Patna, Bihar, as well as, develop an inter-state and trans-border partnership with other cultural organizations ‘n’ institutions to share and promote the cultural heritage of India. In the line of the prime objective, the Foundation is integrating digital tools and innovations with art education and academics and trying to stimulate the art communities, viewers, and audiences for better interaction with crafts, culture, and heritage through cultural activities, i.e., fairs ‘n’ festival, exhibitions, and cultural exchanges programs, etc. With the help of these initiatives, the Foundation wants to become the finest academy of folk art and culture, comprised of enough efficient resources for research and documentation projects, e-learning tools, digital and physical archives, exhibition spaces to promote art and crafts and craftisans communities and learning facilities for the common mass.
Simultaneously, Folkartopedia Foundation is working towards positioning Patna on the global art map by engaging artists, curators, institutions, and the common mass, to add a new dimension to the historic city of Patna, enhancing the understanding of visual aesthetics and heritage of traditional knowledge of the creative communities.